Community Support Forum
This is the place to ask questions about anything related to cloudscribe!
Gulpfile.js failed to load - how fix?
Cloned one of the BS themes into \SharedThemes and edited gulpfile.js to set cssOutDir: '....
Show Child Menu check button not working
Hi Joe,
When I uncheck this button, the menu does not go away. How do I fix this?
I was looking into this and saw this line...
<script src="~/cr/js/bs4.smartmenus.min.js"></script>
In multi-tenant site, how remove Forums in one of the sites?
Just wanted to make sure... are rewrite rules written in cloudscribe to redirect to https?
Are they part of simple.content or cloudescribe.core?
If someone types, will they be automatically directed to the sett...custom registration with kvp not working in .net core 3.1
How do I remove a commercial trial version of Newsletter Module?
How use DataTables with page content, without deployment to server?
What version of .Net Core does the latest cloudscribe use ?
Can anyone tell me the version of .Net core used by the latest version of Cloudscribe core?
Project template not creating project
Resolving Tenant Information from root provider
I was trying to resolve site-context from startupextention however i always receive a null context
var sp = services
var _httpConAcc = sp.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
var tenant = _httpConAcc.HttpContext.GetTenant<SiteContext>();
Cloudscribe login did not respond
Using cloudscribe core models in custom features with EF Core
Can I embed a YouTube or other video in a Cloudscribe blog post?
Does Cloudscribe Simple Content have an easy way to embed a video in a blog post? A Twitter tweet? A Facebook post? Can what I post in its blog be automatically shared to Facebook or Twitter?
...Seeking information about signup security in Cloudscribe Core
Anonymous access
Hello everyone. I want only registered users to access site content, what's the best way to disable anonymous access to a site?